Resident Wisdom and Health Tips you can count on.

People have tips for everything these days, but the tips carry a greater weight from those who have the longetivity to prove their wisdom.

We recently asked some of our beautiful residents what their Winter Health tips were and documented their response below. These three residents are over 100 years old…now that is some wisdom worth listening to.

Collie's Winter Health tipsCollie – 106 years young

Have a teaspoon of apple cider vinegar morning and night and tell jokes to keep yourself warm.

Collie turned 106 years old on June 27th. He’s been our resident for the last 16 years.

Other tips from Collie include:

  1. Sit in the morning sunlight
  2. Drink 4 cups of coffee

Peggy's Winter Health Tips Peggy McKinnon – 99 years young

To stay active by cheering on the Crows to win every weekend and stay rugged up to keep yourself warm.

Peggy recently turned 100 and is waiting for her letter from the queen with great anticipation.

Peggy's Winter Health TipsPeggy Howarth – 100 years young

I come from good stock and I have a daily walk around the block.

Peggy Howarth

If you’ve been looking for some winter health tips from centenarians, then you can now tick off your health bucket list.

The common themes between the three include:

  • Apple Cider Vinegar
  • Friendship and Sunlight
  • Stay Warm
  • Love who you are and keep your spirits high.

Need a place to stay warm this winter in the company of great people? Drop in to Huey’s Cafe at Myrtle Bank open Monday through Saturday.